A Different Kitchen Sink

Everyone has their own version of a kitchen sink dinner. You open your fridge, furrow your brow, and try to figure out the best way to put the most ingredients together. Those who receive CSAs thoroughly understand this plight.

Historically, for me, my kitchen sink meal has manifested in one of two ways: a rice and beans medley (with many more things than just rice and beans) or a stir fry. It makes things easy, if annoyingly predictable. The flavor profile remains generally the same, there are some new crunches, pops, and other sensations added to the mix.

When I lived in Europe (yes, this blog is a chance for me to brag about living in Europe), I added a new one to the mix: quiche. It's so simple and beautiful—sauté whatever vegetables you have, stick it in a pie crust with some eggs and what not, top it with the cheese stinking up the apartment. It could also be a frittata if you want to really spice things up.

What's so great about this vessel of ingredients is that I usually forget about it. Tonight, I was dreading what we could possibly do with all the random food items we bought in a panic a few days ago. Then it dawned on me: we have onions and garlic and leeks and a whole lot of eggs. That right there is a quiche. How Provençal! It's the little things that get me excited these days.


  1. I love making frittatas with whatever I have in the fridge!


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