Storing/growing fresh herbs

I am writing this after taking a little break from washing my clothes in my (luckily large farmhouse) sink because the laundromat closest to my apartment closed up for the foreseeable future last week. I *could* venture out further to find an open laundromat but since I am trying to limit my time outside/around people as much as possible, walking a further distance with a bulky bag just doesn't seem like a great choice right now if I can avoid it. 

Limiting my grocery runs/hauls is also another way to limit my time around folks, which means a lot of leftovers. Leftovers can be, I WILL SAY IT, boring after a day or two but I feel like throwing in some fresh herbs really helps liven it up a bit, and makes the dish feel like new. 

How do you keep fresh herbs around for a long time? I am glad you asked! Here are some tips I have leaned on for many years and, if it's all new to you, you can use now, too! 

Herbs can be divided into tender and hardy types. Anything with a soft stem (cilantro, parsley, basil, mint, etc) is a tender herb and anything with a hard stem (rosemary, thyme, oregano, chives) is a hardy herb. 

Hardy Herb Storage
I don't buy a lot of hardy herbs so I don't have a photo example for you BUT once you bring it home from the grocery, give it a rinse, dry it with a salad spinner or pat dry with a paper towel. Arrange your herbs hotdog style, single layer, on that same damp paper towel. Loosely roll up your herbs and place it inside a resealable plastic bag. Keep in fridge for a week (for chives) up to 3 weeks (for rosemary). 

Tender Herb Storage
As seen in the photo above, I have cilantro, mint, and parsley in their little homes. Place each in a mason jar (or whatever receptacle you own) with some water, put the herbs inside, and cover the leafy parts with a plastic bag and a little bit of room. I usually just use the plastic that I get from the grocery store which I know is friendly but it's better than using a new resealable bag! Refresh the water every few days (I can see I need to do that for my parsley!). Sometimes, if you are lucky and have good friends, you are gifted a fancier version of the mason jar + plastic bag contraption. My friend Ruth gifted me this Prepara Herb Savor which I use for my tender herbs. Mint, which usually lasts only like 2 days, lasts up to two weeks in this! It's great! Renew the water in this, too, even though it's harder to see when the water gets a little old. Cilantro, which can sometimes only last a week, now last up to three weeks in my mason jar. I actually finish an entire bunch now!  

Growing Your Own Herbs
OK so this is where anyone with expertise comes in! Currently, the only thing I know how to grow is green onion, thanks to my mom who taught me (and a timely reminder by my friend Nicole, who has been tracking her green onion progress on Twitter). What you do is: cut off the white root, place it in some water, and in a few days, you'll see a new sprout! I usually get to use a new green onion in about...two weeks? Here is one from day 7(left)/day 4 (right) of growth: 

Now also seems like the perfect time to break out this hydroponic kit that my boyfriend gifted me for Valentine's Day. This one comes with basil and is supposed to sprout in 5-12 days. I have it in my bathroom because it gets the most consistent sunlight (I have a sunroof? in my bathroom) and is the warmest spot. I took this photo the day I set it up but I'll keep you all updated on upcoming posts on its growth (fingers crossed). In like 2-3 months, I should have full basil to use! 

If you are good at growing things, especially herbs, let me know what other easy herbs I can grow! I have soil and some pots. 


  1. I was thinking about posting about my aerogarden which I use to grow herbs and currently am growing salad greens! I love it!

    1. I have been looking into getting an aerogarden!

    2. omg i LOVE it SO MUCH. I am really bad at keeping plants alive, esp bc my apartment doesn't get enough sunlight and i also always either end up overwatering or underwatering, but the aerogarden makes it foolproof. ive had my it for like six months and it has been wonderful!! im growing little arugula right now.

  2. Thank you for the great tips. I have green onions I am going try to propagate right now. Do the herbs in mason jars need to be kept in the refrigerator?

    1. I keep them in the fridge because I lack counter space! But I have noticed they keep longer in the fridge than out


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